Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Are You Ready For Retirement?

Amplify’d from www.advisorone.com

Federal Deficit, Unemployment Top Investor Concerns

Overall, pre-retirees are far more pessimistic than retirees

Looking at optimism between people who are already retired and those who have yet to do so, it's clear that retirement planning is a daunting task. Retirees scored 61 on the Index, nearly twice the level of pre-retirees who scored just 35. The mean age of the retirees surveyed was 69 and the mean age for pre-retirees is 46.

Overall, pre-retirees aren't approaching retirement with confidence. While 61% of retirees confident in their ability to fund health care needs in retirement, just over one-third of pre-retirees agreed. While 62% of retirees said they are confident they can maintain their lifestyle in retirement without working, only 40% of pre-retirees think they will be able to do so.

A survey by Wells Fargo and Gallup released Wednesday found that U.S. investors are as worried about the federal deficit as they are about traditional economic concerns.

Read more at www.advisorone.com

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